Holbergsymposiet 2007, med temaet “Lov og politisk moral” ble holdt til ære for holbergprisvinner Ronald Dworkin.
Du kan se alle foredragene fra symposiet i spillelisten på YouTube.
Stephen Guest, Professor of Legal Philosophy, University College London (UK)
Dietmar von der Pfordten, Professor of Legal and Social Philosophy, University of Göttingen (Germany)
0930-0935: Introduction
Professor Jan Fridthjof Bernt, Chair of Ludvig Holberg Memorial Fund, and Professor Stephen Guest
0935-0950: Law and Political Morality
Professor Ronald Dworkin, Frank Henry Sommer Professor of Law, New York University and Jeremy Bentham Research Professor in Jurisprudence, University College London
0950-1035: Justice in Robes: Integrity and the Rule of Law
Jeremy Waldron, Professor of Law and Philosophy, New York University School of Law (USA)
1035-1120: Equality in Ideal Moral Theory and Real Political Practice
Peter Koller, Professor of Legal and Social Philosophy , University of Graz (Austria)
1130-1215: Equality of Respect and Hate Speech
Rebecca Brown, Professor of Law, Vanderbilt University (USA)
1300-1345: Equality and Choice Sensitivity
Seana Shiffrin, Professor of Philosophy and Law, University of California Los Angeles (USA)
1345-1430: Objectivity
Thomas Nagel, Professor of Law and Philosophy, New York University (USA)
1440-1525: Religion, Dignity and the Secular State
Rainer Forst, Professor of Political Theory and Philosophy, University of Frankfurt (Germany)
Symposium coordinators: Professor Stephen Guest, Professor Dietmar von der Pfordten and Associate Professor Synne Sæther Mæhle (University of Bergen)